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All models on our webpage can be purchased through direct order to a frequent customer price. Worldwide delivery.
kkStB Reihe 69, Nr. 69.01 und 69.17 erste und vorletzte Lokomotive der Erzbergbahnreihe 69 mit Sonderdekoration anläßlich der Abnahme der letzten beiden Maschinen der Reihe 69, Farbgebung: Schwarz/schwarz, Linierung in strohgelb.
Sonderedition SE 160, Best. Nr. 08710 H.L., limitiert auf 20 Stück
Special edition SE 160, Best. Nr. 08710 H.L., limited to 20 piece only
Nur noch ein Set lieferbar/only one set left
kkStB (Royal and Imperial Austrian Railways) class 69, No. 69.01 and 69.17. First and second last locomotive of the series 69. Special decoration on the occasion of the delivery of the last two engines series 69. colouring: Black/black, with yellow trim lines.
This item is sold only and exclusive through us and it is not available at any model railroad store! Please contact us for details, e-mail: microfeinmechanik@hotmail.com. We ship worldwide! A picture will follow.
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