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Italienische Staatsbahn FS Gruppe 740, Nr. 740.001. Universal-Schlepptenderdampflokomotive aus dem Jahr 1918. Lackierung: Werks-Photograu. In sehr hoher Stückzahl gebaute Haupt- und Nebenbahnlokomotive. Einmalige Auflage von 15 Stück der Lokomotivmanufaktur München, Auslieferung im IV. Quartal 2008.
Italian State Railways FS class 740, No. 740.001. Locomotive for all purposes, built in 1918. Colouring: Grey. This special class was built in great numbers for service on main- and branchlines. This is a special edition of the "Lokomotivmanufaktur München" limited to 15 piece only. The model will be delivered in IV/2008.
This item is sold only and exclusive through us and it is not available at any model railroad store! Please contact us for details: microfeinmechanik@hotmail.com. We ship worldwide!
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